Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today I Will


Today I will leave work and drive to my aunts to pick up my daughter. I will then get her and all of her things together and drive back across town to my house. When we get home I will feed her a bottle and change her diaper. We will play for an hour or so then I will feed her some baby food with cereal in it. She is so funny when she eats baby food. She acts like its kind of gagging her and then looks at me like “mom what is this stuff?” then she lets out a big yell and smacks her hands down on the tray. She’s so cute! I love her so much it kind of hurts. After I get her fed again she will take about a two hour nap or so until noonish. Then we will get up and do it all over again. While she is playing I will try and get a little house work down and get something planned and out for dinner tonight. Knowing that she is taken care of and its being done right makes me being exhausted all worth it. Some days its harder than others but in the end I can sleep at night. Someone I know recently went and picked her son up from day care, which might I add this provider was recommended thorough the company she works for. She noticed her infant sons arm was swollen, he was being kind of fussy, and he wouldn’t really use that arm. She then took him to the emergency room to find out her infant sons arm was broke in two different places! The doctors said the only way his arm could have been broke like that was from being stepped on or having something fall/drop on him. This is why I could not even imagine sending my daughter to someone I don’t know from Adam and then being able to sleep not knowing what is going on with my child.


1 comment:

  1. Kayla,
    I applaud you in your efforts to go to school and be a mother. I highly respect women that strive to have children and gain an education. It sounds like you are a great mother and truly love your daughter, who seems adorable! The story about your friends son sounds awful. I cannot imagine getting told that from the doctor. I hope everything is going well for them now though. I can't imagine the conversation that mother must have had with her daycare provider! Very interesting post.
