Thursday, July 10, 2014



My topic that I have chosen today is adoption. I think adoption is a wonderful thing for a deserving mom or family. I get really upset when I see people who have been trying and trying to have a baby who can or even lose a baby after trying for so long. Then you get the women who have used drugs, smoked, ect. Their whole pregnancy and their babies come out healthy as can be. I was someone who didn’t have the greatest pregnancy. My baby girl stopped growing at twenty eight weeks enutro. If I wasn’t able to have kids I would definitely adopt a child. I feel in some ways the biological mother should not get any say or any rights over the child she is putting up for adoption. I think the child should go to the most deserving not the person you randomly pick out. Most people don’t know that babies who don’t have an adoptive family or parent set in place have to go to a foster home until someone wants them. This is especially tuff to see because I feel like nobody would care about this poor innocent child but us. That baby could die or something terrible and the mother who carried this child for nine months wouldn’t care at all. I’m not saying this is all mothers who decide this is best for their child but some of them could care less. It breaks my heart and I don’t understand who a human being could be so cruel to something so sweet and helpless. It really upsets me when the mother has other kids and she decides she doesn’t want one or any of them anymore. Just the stuff people can become is unreal and unimaginable! If only I could change the world J


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