Saturday, June 28, 2014

Knowing my audience

Getting to know my audience....
I think we have a big variety this semester for our audience. All the questions asked were all very different. Not to many we're personal question like about family or anything. A lot of them where what if's and if you could's. I found all of the question really insightful and feel like you could tell a lot about someone by some of the answers as long as they were detailed. Not all the questions asked do I feel need to have details to be able to tell something about someone. Asking about being only able to eat one food for an entire month well you'd obviously be able to tell that persons favorite food is probably what they answered you don't need any details for that. Asking who you would spend an entire day with you would need details for to be able to tell something about a person. By asking that question you could probably tell who they admire or look up to! I tried to answer all of the questions some of them really made me think and I found them to be kind of hard. Regardless, I feel they were all pretty informative. The audience we are writing to varies widely and I don't think you are going to be interesting to every single person and catch everyone's attention and keep it the whole time. If you are able to do that I applauded you! I will try my darnedest to keep everyone interested with my writing. I can't stay interested in think I don't like which is everybody, but things that I find extremely boring I get lost in other things going on. Most of our group are all interested in writing because they are taking this class and that's where I will try to keep my writing instead of wondering!


1 comment:

  1. Good summary - move to analysis by asking why. Why did people answer the way that they did? What does this all mean. Defining the meaning will bring you to analysis. ~Ms. A.
