Saturday, June 28, 2014

Knowing my audience

Getting to know my audience....
I think we have a big variety this semester for our audience. All the questions asked were all very different. Not to many we're personal question like about family or anything. A lot of them where what if's and if you could's. I found all of the question really insightful and feel like you could tell a lot about someone by some of the answers as long as they were detailed. Not all the questions asked do I feel need to have details to be able to tell something about someone. Asking about being only able to eat one food for an entire month well you'd obviously be able to tell that persons favorite food is probably what they answered you don't need any details for that. Asking who you would spend an entire day with you would need details for to be able to tell something about a person. By asking that question you could probably tell who they admire or look up to! I tried to answer all of the questions some of them really made me think and I found them to be kind of hard. Regardless, I feel they were all pretty informative. The audience we are writing to varies widely and I don't think you are going to be interesting to every single person and catch everyone's attention and keep it the whole time. If you are able to do that I applauded you! I will try my darnedest to keep everyone interested with my writing. I can't stay interested in think I don't like which is everybody, but things that I find extremely boring I get lost in other things going on. Most of our group are all interested in writing because they are taking this class and that's where I will try to keep my writing instead of wondering!


Saturday, June 21, 2014

I believe freewriting

I believe you should regret nothing in this life. This is one hing I truly believe. I believe it so much that I have it tattooed in Latin on my side. I honestly believe that if you were to go back and change one thing in your life nothing would be like it is today. No matter how bad or good I think you should always respect that decision. At one point and time in your life it was exactly what you wanted to do. I admit I've done some pretty stupid things but not a single one do I regret. The heartbreak and even the lies that I have told. Yes I have lied in my life and yes some were over the stupidest things ever but I do not regret one of them because I'm exactly where I want to be at in my life now. I have. Beautiful baby girl and a wonderful man in my life who treats me good. Soon I will have a beautiful home to live in. We just got a call yesterday that a house we've been waiting on has finally come available and we get to go look at it on Monday!!!! It's gorgeous and I'm beyond husband thinks I'm crazy thinking this way. He doesn't see something's he has done in his life this way. He has a felony on his record which he says he regrets everyday of his life. I don't see how though he has a great job a wonderful family and a beautiful new home. I don't know any other person with no college and a felony who has turned out like him making  twenty four dollars an hour starting out!!! Of course he has had some help from my brother getting the job but that's not the point. He's a good person who has just made some mistakes and who knows if he wouldn't of gotten into trouble would we be here now? Would we have our little girl, our family? Who knows. This is why I choose to live this way though I don't really
I have 352 words which definitely surprises me!

I believe .....

1. I believe I am smart
2. I believe I am a good person
3. I believe I am good hearted
4. I believe I am a good mom
5. I believe I will be successful
6. I believe I am a hard worker
7. I believe people can be good
8. I believe I found my soulmate
9. I believe people are not always what you think
10. I believe my daughter is beautiful
11. I believe all women working together is a bad mixture
12. I believe some people should not be so ignorant
13. I believe people should be screened before they can have a baby
14. I believe I love my family with my whole heart
15. I believe there is a cure for cancer
16. I believe Jesus can work miracles
17. I believe people can change
18. I believe addiction is a disease
19. I believe people can't change unless they want to
20. I believe life is a beautiful thing
21. I believe you should regret nothing
22. I believe you can be anything you want to be
23. I believe everyone deserves a chance
24. I believe you can overcome anything
25. I believe everything happens for a reason
26. I believe you should never take anything for granted